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Tuesday 27 March 2018

Make life WORK for you!

Sometimes I forget that people don't live inside my head.

I'll make a comment about something and then have to retrace what I was, in fact, making the point about.

Other people think seldom about you; they are concerned with their own affairs.

Never stop being you for someone else.

Don't stop doing what you're doing in every day life.

It's got you this far! And if a change is necessary let it be gradual.

You can't suddenly become a pro at anything without working up to it with practise.

The best in the world had to start somewhere.

They were once beginners too.

As they say in Harry Potter 'Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now. Students. If they can do it, why not us?'

I know that that is in a slightly different context, but the point is, the greats had to start somewhere and as Harry rightfully points out, what is stopping us from being great?

It's often us who stand in our own way, thinking we're not good enough or we don't deserve it.

You have to be able to take a step back at times, remember what you want in life and go for it.

Nothing is going to happen if you just stay in bed dreaming about it.

You have to make it happen for yourself.

Depending on others will let you down in the end.

I have to depend on people a whole lot in my life, it's more out of necessity than want. But I make the best of it because this is the only life I'm in, the only life I know.

And that's with getting transport to work, and Disability Initiative mostly.

I rely on my mum to get me dressed in the mornings and that is quite a heavy burden but she never makes it feel like that. I get up, turn the radio on, and then I'll get in the shower or whatever.

We never do things without music.

Except reading!

As you know I am an avid book lover and won't go anywhere without my book, there are sometimes pauses in life (long queues, waiting in doctors surgeries etc.) where having a book can be so worthwhile!



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